Please email our customer service team or submit a troubleshooting request and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Our Pint Size team works very hard to check & reply to emails quickly. Please send us an email instead of posting questions on social media. We value your time and work very hard to address all questions and issues as soon as possible.
Online Ordering QuestionsEmail: help@pintsizeproductions.comPhone:(716) 995-3108 Support Hours: Mon - Fri, 8am - 3pm, EST
If you are an artist, illustrator, creative, or just an individual looking to print large quantity board books, please fill out a quote request below. Mass Production orders begin at 1000+.
Email our corporate office:
Pint Size Productions Factory Address 3685 Lockport Road Sanborn, New York 14132
Pint Size Productions Design Office 5745 Main Street Amherst, NY 1422